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Taxes, Classic Cars and Fakers

Been a crazy week for me I suppose.  Went and did my taxes on Monday.  I feel like Uncle Sam sucker punched me in the testicles and then stole my wallet while I was laying on the ground, rolling around in agony.  Then, as I look up through teary eyes, his good friend The Block takes my watch, spits in my face and says that should cover my filing fees.  Then, as I'm about to get up, a long leaf pine pelts me in the face with pine cones and then steals my sneakers.  The streets around here are rough.

I saw this car in the Wal-Mart parking lot a few weeks ago.  I posted it to Crackbook hoping that my grandpa would see it but I'm not sure if he did.  I know he reads my blog (well, at least that's what he tells me) so hopefully he will see it here.  What a slick car, for sure.

Okay, by now I'm sure you're thinking to yourself, "Well, he covered taxes, he covered classic now he's GOT to write about the fakers".  Typically, you would be correct.  But do the fakers even deserve a mention in such as esteemed literary commentary on the life of such a legendary figure in history?    I will let you ponder that for a minute.

DTY and I went to work for dinner and cheap-ass margaritas the other night (don't worry, I was the DD).  We sat with DiDi and had an absolute blast.  He didn't quite make it through The Artist though, but seeing as it was his DVD and he's seen it a few times, I can forgive him.  I'm a fan of old silent films so this one was right up my alley.

So I have set the 5th and 6th of March as the days I'm shooting for to take my certification exams.  I know that I've been saying for like a year that I was going to hunker down and get this certification.  After talking with the guy who wants to hire me, and after listening to him call me a slacker for nearly thirty minutes, I've decided to suck it up, push away all sorts of uncertainty and anxiety about it, and get it done.  How can I tell someone who is literally begging me to let him hire me no?  Especially when this job would be something that would not make me nearly as miserable as my current job does.  I mean, the kitchen gig was always something that was going to be temporary but I do feel kind of sad and nervous about leaving something I've grown comfortable with and leaving the few people that I actually enjoy there.

Finished pondering yet?  I know, it's a hard thing to decide on.  But I think it's best not to give them any reason to get all butt hurt over something that really doesn't matter to begin with.  Fakers gonna fake and I personally think that they are not worth more than two or three words at a time (which means I've given them WAY too much type time already).  Misery loves it's company and I've uninvited myself to THAT pity party.  Later Days!
