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A Gay Guy Hugged Me At Work

It was a weird day, indeed.  Had to go in early to work this morning because of two catering orders we had to fill and one of our guys that was suppose to work today called out.  It was funny how just that extra thirty minutes threw me off today but at least I got a few more hours than I would usually have.  Plus it was pay day so...yeah, can't complain.  We had a party of about fifteen older women in today and they had a guy that came in with a guitar to sing to them while they were eating.  Not sure management was too thrilled even though they obviously had to give the green light for it.  This led to two awkward situations.

First, the woman I was working with today mentioned that maybe I should try and pick up one of the older women from the party.  I said that just wouldn't work out.  She asked if I had a problem with older women, which I replied that I did not and that in fact I had been with an older woman for about nine months.  The relationship did not end well, which was the main reason for me saying that an older woman just wouldn't work out.  I have a history of pissing women off and breaking their hearts I guess.

The next awkward moment came when two of the waitresses started singing along to the man playing the guitar.  The song happened to be Elvis and as they were singing, the other cook reached around and gave me a hug from behind.  I froze because, well, what was I suppose to do, make a big scene like a child?  Yes, he is gay, it's well known, which made me a little uncomfortable.  Not because he is gay and he hugged me, but it made me uncomfortable because I'm not sure of the meaning or intent behind the hug.  If he was just joking around, cool, no problem.  If the hug was like testing the waters and seeing my reaction because he likes me, then that's not so cool.

So after clocking out, picking up my pay check, depositing it in the bank on my way home...well, I just lost my train of thought.  I ate lunch (mmmmm...taquitos!) and watched an episode of Fullmetal Alchemist and then an episode of 91 Days, both really good anime that can be viewed free (with ads, of course) on Crunchyroll.  It was then off to Havelock to my meeting where I learned that North Carolina has an odd law (dating back to the puritan ages, I assume) that says that any type of sex other than missionary style is against the law.  To think my day had already been weird.

As I came home, mom was coming in from the grocery store so I helped her unload the truck.  Dad couldn't be reached on his cell phone (he had left it at home and it was dead anyways) so I drove out to the farm.  I helped him to coax the cow into his pen and played with him for a few minutes.  When I got home, I hit the streets for a run - did my first two miles with nine minute splits, the last two were closer to tens, but it was a good run.  Dinner with mom and dad and then The Walking Dead with pops.  All-in-all it was a good day.

Gotta shop for a computer desk tomorrow and a few other odds and ends and get Cory a money order in the mail.  Gotta write Will too.
