Funny story. I was out at the farm the other day helping dad tear down the walls in our feed room. He swore up and down that the walls are infested with rats and the only way to remedy the problem is to tear the walls down so they have nowhere to nest. Anything that involves destruction with a hammer and crowbar and I'm in. We had a blast pulling the walls down, it was some quality time together. We didn't find a single rat either. While out at the farm, I went to go see our male goat, BB. Mom and dad call him Mr. Mister, but I call him BB, which is short for Blue Balls. See, he is the only buck at our farm and we have a few does. We keep them separated so they can't mate, hence the name Blue Balls. Well, I was in his pen, because he is very friendly, playing with him and petting him. Dad sees me and says, "Make sure he doesn't try and mount you." I just laugh at him and say that we are just playing around. Not ...
This is a wild mess of a world we live in and I'm just trying to navigate it in the best way that I know how. Come along with me for the ride. You never know, it might be that one thing that changes your life forever...