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Good Eatin

It's been a crazy week for me.  I've been meaning to write, and I've had several things I wanted to post about, but I've not gotten the time to do it.  Hopefully I can get a lot of it in tonight before I pass out.

My brother came into town on Tuesday from Tennessee.  It's been pretty awesome to see him and spend some time with him this week.  Our family has our condo on the beach through the end of the week so he's set up camp out there.  I've been out to chill with him a few days and just relax and walk the beach.  It's been really nice.  It's amazing how much that place has changed since the last time I was out there in 2007.  A few of the buildings were condemned a couple of years ago and have since been torn down.  The entire place looks unrecognizable and the impact that just those few buildings had is noticeable.  It's hard to believe that they had so many units in such a small area.  We have spent every summer out there since I can remember and it's just so cool the flood of memories I get whenever I return.  Just walking with my brother around the place, pointing things out like, "Hey, remember when we..." and "That use to be a...".  Great times.

For dinner Tuesday night pops decided to pull some ribs from the freezer that came from one of our hogs out at the farm.  It was a good family meal - ribs, corn on the cob and potatoes with all five of us there to eat together.  Here's a little food porn for ya.  We do sell the meat from the animals that we raise at The Barnyard.  Check out our website to find out how you can get some for yourself.

Today we had lunch at Ioanni's and though the food was pretty good, the service wasn't.  I'm not sure if they were just too busy or under staffed or what, but it took us over an hour from sit down to food getting to us.  Maybe I'll stop by and see if they need to hire any wait staff, haha.

I've been talking a lot with DAB lately, who is visiting family up in Pennsylvania.  We've both kinda been going through it lately so it's been good to have a friend to talk to.  It was his turn last night needing to talk with me.  Usually it's me needing to get things off my chest.  He did say one thing to me though a little while back that has resonated with me this past week.  I'm kicking myself in the shin over not listening to his advice.  I was explaining to him something that had happened between me and another person and he said, "You know what man, they sound like a thief."  I kind of snapped at him but when he explained to me what he meant, it made sense.  He said, "Man, they're a thief because they are stealing your happiness.  You need to stop hanging with them because they only bring you down."  How right he was and that has led to me deleting some people from my cell phone, shying away from seeing others and even setting very firm boundaries on family members.  It's not easy, but I have been much happier about it.  So, really consider the people in your lives, and get rid of the thieves.

No word yet on the job hunt, but I'm gonna be making some phone calls on Monday.  Still have a few places to check out which will probably happen on my day off on Tuesday.  I'm still very optimistic about not being in my current situation by the end of the month, which is my goal.  That will be a lot of thieves that will no longer be able to steal my happiness from me.

I know I missed Throw Back Thursday, so here is a YouTube video to make up for it.  It ties in with the post somehow...

Later Days!
