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That's the text I sent to my sister tonight...#Committed.  I made an investment today, which is something that I do not do just lightly.  I've been very torn with this decision but I think it will work out.  I don't have a lot of money, and I don't have a job that pays me a lot of money.  I barely break even every week after paying my bills.  I've been fortunate to have some savings set aside as sort of a cushion, so I was able to make this investment and not be totally hurt if it ends up being a bad move.  And it helps to know that I have a roof over my head and food in my stomach no matter what happens to me.  I thank God for all of that.

So, I spent most of my day off today "not doing anything".  Well, that's what it felt like but I was doing something.  Research, I suppose you could call it.  Looking for ideas and inspiration.  I found both, which helped me a lot to make this decision today.  I'm very confident I can make this work and that given some time and effort, it could be a profitable endeavor.  I think I can at least make my money back, so if that's all that happens then I can chalk it up as a good learning experience.

I was going to post a photo of my investment but I'm not ready for that quite yet.  Here is a different, but related photo.  Later Days!
