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Magic Mushrooms

Nope, not a drug reference.  Though my dad did confess to having eating shrooms before.  It was the 70's and he lived in the middle of nowhere central Florida where there was nothing but cow pastures and orange groves for miles around.  Can't blame him.  Naw, this is a Super Mario Brothers reference, which has come up quite a bit lately at work.  Funny story, actually.

So, last week, when we had the high school graduations come in to eat, we had more people than usual working the kitchen to help handle the onslaught.  When usually I'm on the fryers by my lonesome, I had another dude over there to help out.  What's great is that he is about five and a half feet tall and kind of chunky.  I'm six-three and lean (yea, some call it skinny but I refuse to accept that).  In the middle of the rush, one of the other guys looks over at us and says, "Hey, it's Mario and Luigi!"  We all just die laughing.  If you put him in red overalls and me in green overalls, it would have been a perfect fit.

So for the last few days, that joke has come up along with numerous Mario Brothers references.  No biggie, lots of fun.  Doing prep this morning, Jeff was telling me how he likes to label stuff with funny names.  That's crazy because I do the same thing.  When I cook rice, I like to label it, "Rice Rice Baby".  Mash potatoes become, "SMASH! Potatoes".  It was just a trip.  So, in honor of the week worth of Mario and Luigi jokes, I put the following label on the bags of mushrooms I worked up today:

It was a fun day.  Had to work a double, so I went back in around 5:30.  Actually, I fell asleep and woke up at 5:40.  I didn't get much sleep last night because...well, just talking with people and I just wasn't tired.  About 5:10 this evening I closed my eyes for like five seconds and BOOM!  Twenty minute nap...thankfully my boss wasn't too terribly upset.  Not like this is a habit of mine.  When I got in, I had a new guy over on the fryers so I put him through a "the best way to learn is to just do it" sort of training.  It ended up going well.  He seems like a good dude and hopefully he will hang around for the summer to help us out.

Tomorrow, mom is heading out early for a 4-H event out of town so I'm in charge of getting the animals fed and taken care of in the morning.  Hopefully I can get to bed here shortly after I hit "post".  Have not heard from Bumpers in like two days.  I saw her at work yesterday morning and I may have offended her.  If you're reading this and I did offend you, I apologize.  It is very well possible that I did but I didn't mean to make you mad.  Anyways, long day tomorrow!  Later Days!
