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Stud Muffin McGhee

That's me.  Most of my friends just call me The Studster.  The ladies, well, they call me a lot of different stuff - Baby, Honey, Hott Stuff, Fabio, Mr. Wiggles.  So, I totally got hit on by a car full of chicks last night.  I mean, obviously this happens to me quite often and the only reason I'm even typing this "non-event" is because there is nothing else to talk about.  Please forgive me for telling you another one of my many, may stories of beautiful woman throwing themselves at me.

Work didn't let me out until well after 4:00.  We had a pretty big catering order to get done first thing in the morning so we really didn't get to start our actual prep work until 11:30 instead of the usual 9:00.  No big deal though.  Afterwards, I shot down town to drop off some paper work and then to Wal-Mart to do some price hunting for my sister.  Her FFA chapter is doing their end of the year awards banquet this Friday and she needed me to see how much groceries were compared to Food Lion and the commissary on base. 

After I got home, mom came in from the farm and then drove over to Amber's house to watch Oinkers for the night.  Amber had some sort of a meeting or something to attend so that left pops and I stag for the evening.  I volunteered to go run the horses in around 7:00 since dad's back was still bothering him.  Then, it shot to Buffalo Wild Wings to pick up dinner for dad and I.  It was on my way back to the house from here that it happened.

It was such a nice evening, I had the windows down and the radio jammin' to 38 Special's "Rockin' into the Night".  My golden hair was blowing seductively in the breeze as I cruised down the motor way known as Highway 70 West.  My muscles were glistening in the slowly setting sun, their definition prominent in the glowing light.  I was stopped at a red light, my arm dangling from my window when a red convertible with the top down pulled up beside me.  I casually looked to my left and saw three beautiful, busty blonds, each of them craning their necks to stare at me.  Flashing them my trade mark smirk, I pulled down my sunglasses and winked.  They all fell back into their seats, nearly fainting, their hands quickly fanning themselves.  The light turned green, and I accelerated.  Then I heard it: screeching tires coming from behind me.  The girls reved their engine and pulled up along side of me.  They were swooning, hanging out the windows, shouting at me to follow them to their condo for a night of passionate fun.  I gave a slight shrug of my shoulders and said, "Sorry ladies, but I have wings to deliver."  They started crying in dismay, their eye liner streaking down their faces as I turned right at the next light and they continued on towards their condo.

I thought about those lovely ladies all night, and how I wish I could have abandoned my father to follow them and make all of their dreams come true.  But you know the saying, "Bros before strange, promiscuous women."  The next morning, as I got into my car to go to work, there were three sets of lip prints on my windshield in a deep, velvety red.  I thought to, no one will EVER believe this one.  Oh wait, I'm Stud Muffin McGhee...of course they will.
