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A Baby...But Not A Baby, Baby

baby alpaca
Meet Obadiah
Last night at work, I get a text from my parents: "Baby alpaca is here!"  Well, I just had to get up this morning and go see him.  He's just the cutest little thing ever.

I sent Bumpers a text and gave her the news: "I'm a daddy!"  Her reply, "A daddy to what?"  Me, "To a baby, duh."  Her, "A baby, baby?"  Haha, I thought all babies were babies.  Learn something new every day.

I spent a little while out there this morning and wasn't really able to get too close to him.  Both his momma and the other female were pretty wary about my presence and kept him at a safe distance.  I was able to get some good photos, albeit from a distance.  The ones I have posted now are from my cell phone so please forgive the shoddy quality.  Proper photos will soon follow and I'm sure my parents will have them up on Facebook, Twitter and on the Barnyard website.

Just before I left the farm, Laura called me.  I was so thrilled, it has been so long since we have actually had a verbal conversation.  It was kind of overwhelming for me but it made my day.  Everyone is doing well, and they are getting done with some renovations to their home and are eager to have their kitchen back so they can stop eating meals out all of the time.  Ethan went to Maxwell AFB last month for his Air Force training and did very well.  That's no shocker, he's an amazing young man and a natural leader.  I'm so proud of all of them.

I made it back home for lunch, and was planning on hitting the gym but my back has been bothering me the last few days.  Instead, I started on my next project.  I can't wait to show it off.  I should be finished with it tomorrow I hope and so far, it's looking great.  That reminds me, I need to search the web tonight for a pattern for neck coolers.  The kitchen gets unbearable hot, especially standing in front of a grill all night.  Hopefully those will help keep us cool.

Bumpers holding the baby alpaca
Bumpers the alpaca tamer!
Then, Bumpers texts me and tells me that she is on her way home from her farm.  I figured this was a perfect time for her to meet our new little alpaca so I picked her up and took her out to our farm.  She wrote an amazingly accurate blog post detailing exactly how things went down.  Please show her some love and read her post.  After she saved me from the fury of the alpacas and their laser beam eyes, I gave her a quick tour of the farm and introduced her to the animals.  Abraham was very affectionate to me and we literally made out for like five minutes.  Bumpers was just delighted.

Work was kind of crazy tonight but basically uneventful.  I can't even think of anything worth mentioning.  It was Toa's birthday today...of course that is worth mentioning!

No real plans for tomorrow...maybe the flea mall?  Maybe helping at the farm before work.  Trying to finish my little project.  Who knows...that's half the fun!  Later Days!


  1. Oh watching Abraham was such a delight! I was tickled pink!


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