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Epic Fail...with A Cup-O-Tea

Product placement, anyone?
Do you know what the first thing I noticed was when I opened the microwave to heat up my cup of tea?  It still smells like burnt popcorn.

Then I racked up some serious negative karma points when I looked down and saw this little dare devil, in true Hunger Games style, trying to run to the safety of the dark, dusty underside of the refrigerator.  Dan one - roaches zero.

Obviously not Katniss Everdeen...
Okay, so let me put this out there.  I had a bad two days, and I'm sorry.  I try and be positive as much as I can.  Making people laugh and smile and feel good is what I'm all about.  Never do I want to hurt someone or make them feel bad, that would just kill me.  However, even though I think that the best thing for me to do when I'm having a bad day is to be neutral, to shut down and not say much of anything to anyone, even that has unintended consequences.  I'm not use to being the person that others look towards for a pick-me-up.  When I'm having a bad day, though I don't purposefully try to do it, sometimes it rubs off on others in ways I don't know.

That's my epic fail today.  I thought that shutting down and keeping to myself would be the best step to take on this particularly bad day.  It was the wrong decision.  It was a selfish decision.  Unknown to me, someone else was having a bad day and was relying on me to bring them up.  I ignored them when I saw them, hiding in my music, and unknown to me at the time, they were having a bad day and was hoping I would make them smile.  That person had sent me a text this morning, after reading last night's blog post and knowing that I was having a rough day, with this verse:
The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still.  -Exodus 14:14
Wise words from a good friend, but they didn't sink in until later.  I've got so much to be thankful for, beyond anything I could get you to understand with mere words in a blog.  God pulled me through the worst ten years of my life, and is still dragging me along through the wake of it all.  What more of a reason do I need to always be happy?

So, I promise, that despite the low times in my life, I will do my best to not shut people out and to continue being the super-awesome dude that I am.  That's right, there was an official survey conducted (by Steve Harvey himself) and the number one answer was that I am super-awesome.  Number two was super-sexy.  Number three was super good-looking hair.  Number four was super tall.

Quick note - today was pay day.  Woot!  I left work really late and was almost late to my meeting (literally pulled in with two minutes to spare).  When I got home, I went for a run.  Four miles...drenched in sweat but guess what.  It helped to knock away some of my funk.  Hooray for runner's high!  Then I took this super sweet picture.

Later Days!
