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Now This is Art

Saw this on my run today...I honestly don't know why I took a picture.  Maybe just because I could?  It is kind of cute.  Obviously a lot of love and effort was put into this.  Some heartless people might want to call this "ruffian graffiti".  But you have to look closer, see the motivation of the artist to express themselves this way.

Today, Bumpers called herself an "art-teeste", some fancy way of saying, "Hey, I'm a creative spirit and I channel that creativity through various mediums including drawing, painting and sketching with Sharpie (R) markers."  Of course, I gave her a hard time and told her she sounded like one of those hippies that hang out at Starbucks (R)...which she is and she does. So this was how she got back at me for pointing out an obvious fact about her life:  I had just cut, peeled and chopped fifty pounds of onions...FIFTY POUNDS OF ONIONS (without shedding a single tear...usually I'm an emotional mess when I cut's not a pretty sight).  So I have this FIFTY POUNDS of onions in a tub in my hands and as Bumpers and I walk towards the cooler, I ask her if she could open the door for me.  She looks at me, sticks her tongue out, pulls my hat down over my eyes, kicks my shin and gives me a wedgie and adds, "Get the door yourself, suck-a."  True story...I have witnesses.

I was so overwhelmed by Bumpers giving me constant grief at work this morning that I came home and put my runnin' shoes on.  Like, literally, I have a pair of shoes that I only wear when I go for a run.  I got four miles in tonight and felt pretty good.  Momma made chicken alfredo for was spot on.  Then dad and I started a new Netflix show called The Last Kingdom.  I enjoyed the first episode very much and I'm looking forward to watching it with him.  There are two seasons out already so we should be able to hit junkie status with this one for a month or two if it gets good.

This is for Bumpers...who is currently at the gym as I'm typing this:

Later Days!


  1. That was such a good lie, I almost didn't believe you. But whoever drew that is an art-teest. It kinda looks like you.


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