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Just. Coffee.

 Here's how the first hour of my morning went...

I guess Blogger won't let me upload a video...lame.  Here is a link for it then:

Dunkin Donuts Fiasco

Maybe this will be a new thing for me...part blog...part vlog?  I don't know...verbally stone me in the comments section if you would like to have a say in this.

Work was a busy and boring day.  There was just a ton of stuff to do for this huge catering order we have for tomorrow.  We had to cut 250 chicken breasts, cook 13 cans of green beans, 250 chocolate chip cookies, 6 pounds of mashed potatoes.  We had all of that to do and we still had to do the prep work for the restaurant too so I was there a little past what I usually am.

Morgan and Bumpers were not at work this morning, and I have to be honest...that sucked.  Morgan is my karaoke partner.  I swear, I can think of a song that I know for sure that he doesn't know the words to and sure enough, he can sing it better than I can.  We spend most of our shifts trying to crack each other up, it makes work worth going to.  Bumpers is just easy to pick on and she constantly makes me smile, which really pisses me off because no one should be able to make me smile that much.

Love this shirt
When I got home, I decided to go for a run.  It was just beautiful outside so I couldn't resist.  It might be the right time of year for some beach runs...maybe if I start getting to bed at a decent hour I can get up early, drive to the beach and run the sun into rising...sounds like a great idea.  It was pretty warm outside so the run sort of kicked my butt.  I'm trying to do a circuit of the White Sands neighborhood where I run there (just over a mile) and then I run down each of the little roads within it.  Not sure how many miles that would be but it's a goal of mine to get that accomplished soon.  I did half the neighborhood today which sort of pimp slapped me into reality - I'm doing good, but I need to be doing better.

steak with shrimp parmMom and dad were at the farm all day.  TJ got a piece of apple stuck in his throat so they had to call the vet.  He ended up being okay but it was quite a scare for them.  After all of that, no one wanted to cook so we suited up and went out to Applebee's for dinner.  It was pretty good - I got the steak with Parmesan shrimp.  A quick swing into Wal-Mart for some coffee so the Dunkin Donuts fiasco does not happen again tomorrow and now I'm home for the night.

Usually, Bumpers and I talk smack to each other into the wee hours of the morning, but by the looks of her blog post today, that won't be happening.  So, maybe an early bed time for me too?  Who knows...I have some episodes of Gotham to catch up on and I'm sure dad wants to watch another episode of The Last Kingdom on Netflix.  And I need to finish writing Cory for sure but I'm hitting a road block in his letter that has been difficult for me to get around.  Counting down the days until the weekend!

Oh yea, almost forgot!  Happy Throwback Thursday!
Alex and Dan...two sexy mo-fo's (taken 04Apr2007)

Later Days!


  1. Let the verbal stoning begin. Actually can't say much because there is some type of playback error that is making it so I can't watch the video, I would love to watch it but just can't. And I swear Morgan knows every single song on earth, I use to be the "sing the rest of that song" champion but man he sure does surpass me when it comes to that. Nobody should know the amount of music he knows, it's some kind of sorcery. Good job on your run! You'll get it eventually!


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